Tex Star.
Life is a journey of experiences
I write because life is a journey full of the unexpected. My own has been intriguing, boring at times, and full of laughter. Nearly every moment expressed in one of my books has been experienced by me. Take note, I mean every one, even the embarrassing and absurd. Shocking hey?
The Lesbian Adventure Series Stories - LASS
Honestly, this fun book was written by me, for me, but you can read it too. As a child I was captivated by the Choose Your Own Adventure Books. Sadly, I only ever owned one, yet I re-read it a million times. It fascinated me immensely. As a writer, I decided to challenge myself: I wanted to write a story in the same manner the adventure books were written.
Admittedly, Big Night Out may not be a full 'adventure', but I think it works. No mountains are climbed, no rivers traversed, and no mountain bikes crashed. Maybe in the next one! Big Night Out plays on the ideal of getting back out into the world after a break-up. A time when one's perception on clubbing and dating may have been changed due to the lack of practice. Isn't that an adventure in itself? I think so.
I'm looking forward to experimenting more with these books. Seeing where the boundaries can take us.
Overall the LASS series is a fun frantic read that takes the reader on a whirlwind trip around everyday life and fantasy. It can offer a momentary escape from life whether the reader is catching a bus, sitting on a train or waiting at the dentists.
Each book allows the conservative to choose an extremist’s option. It allows the bold to choose a softer response. And vice versa. The series allows the reader to test the waters of being someone else, if only for an hour.
Ultimately, each book teaches readers that the opposite of the choice made, is not always what they expect. Making so called right choices, does not always produce happy endings. Being bold and adventurous may lead to exciting endings, but they can also lead to misery. Having the reader as the main character submerses them into a world where they may or may not have been. Where they may or may not have ever dared to go before.
Above all else, the LASS series is about sharing a laugh.
Why write?
Though I’m sure to be judged on my GLBT books, the truth is I personally just needed to read stories that were light, humorous and not cliched by pre-conceived ideas.
There is so much judgement placed on woman in all parts of society. There are women, like me, who just want to go about life, not defining ourselves by singular labels (attitude, race, sex, religion, weight, diet, status, clothing). Labels limit living. Because a label defines yourself and others by a singular, minute portion of who you, or they, really are.
People and books are like diamonds, they have so many facets that make a beautiful whole. Some try to pick faults with a singular aspect, declaring it displeasing. Why? We each have so many facets, and a single one cannot hold the true essence of who we are. Nor can it describe the beautiful whole.
Every life journey, our own story, creates marks and nicks that become a part of us. That’s what makes us special and unique. Not everyone has to agree or be the same. We just have to be us, and that is a wonderful thing.