Dash Starkey.
Who am I?
My name is Dash Starkey and I am an independent author who has been mastering my craft as a technical writer for many years. I’ve also had articles published in a variety of magazines. Writing is just not my work, but a passion.
It’s always been my dream to have a book published. Something I achieved in 2021 after finally finishing a book I started in 1992. Featuring a strong woman who, like all of us, is marred by life experience, and undermined by self-doubt. ‘Kuntana’ is a dynamic book swayed by my own encounters.
In 2021 I published another adult fiction book – ‘Breathe’. It has a refreshingly light feel, with hopefully a sense of humour entwined in the words.
In truth my personality leans towards a positive view of life. No matter it’s harshness. As such I have introduced my fairy based stories in the ‘Letters from…’ series. These letters draw their stories from the letters I wrote to my step-daughter when she was young. Being on the spectrum, and neuro-diverse, she saw life differently. Her understanding of things was sweet yet often misplaced. Questioning her directly never achieved any results to guide her. So the fairies wrote to her. Speaking to her about everyday life in a way a child would see them. Not only did she open up to the fairies, their questions prompted discussions with the whole family. It was a positive growing experience for everyone. My desire is to bring a positive experience and understanding to every child who reads them. And, as a bonus, open a line of dialogue with a parent, grandparent, sibling or carer.
Every one of the stories I write reflects where I live in Australia. To me it is the essence of home. A place that has seeped deeply into my bones, helped form my beliefs, and who’s natural beauty inspires me daily.
Born and raised?
I was born and raised in the leafy green suburbs of Rochedale. The red rich farming soil nearby a constant backdrop to my young life. A beautiful spot not far from the mountains nor the ocean. I’ve been fortunate to live in several other Brisbane locations such as Clayfield and Moggill. Plus I was drawn to country Queensland several times, living in Blackbutt and Toowoomba. I love the desolate isolation of country areas. It allows my soul to live in peace. Though no place is as wonderful as one filled with those you love. People and animals both.
Previous writing experience?
I’ve done many interesting jobs and run a few small businesses. Writing always lingered in the background, though I had a desire for it to be more prominent. I was a technical writer, creating procedure manuals which, after awhile, becomes a bit repetitive. In between I also wrote articles for cycling, bass guitar, gaming, mountain biking and industry magazines.
Why write?
I write for many different reasons. Initially I wrote to release the emotions I could not voice myself. Especially when I was in emotionally restrained situations.
When my daughter was born, I made up stories to keep her entertained on long drives, and to help put her to sleep at night. I enjoyed those moments spent with her, making her laugh, and for her to give me that silly look, like I was a fool. It’s the little moments I cherish the most. Those books are yet to make it to print.
My fairy letters were created for my step-daughter. It flowed on to a few of her friends. It was sweet, and I’d like to think, helped them to grow up with a slightly better understanding of the world. And have more confidence to stand in it.